
PlatinumGames reveals Project GG, a giant hero game | PC Gamer - nixharme1942

PlatinumGames reveals Project GG, a giant hero game

Update: The Pt 4 website has been updated with a new teaser that you can watch above, featuring people fleeing from the ravaging caused by a kaiju onrush. Not to worry, though, arsenic at that place's a transforming ze in their midst, ready to save dogs and hit monsters.

Newfangled narrative: PlatinumGames has unconcealed the intermediate of the quaternity projects IT's been irritating via the Platinum 4 internet site in the latest takings of Famitsu. It's a brand new action play, though it seems to be thematically linked to game director Hideki Kamiya's separate heroic enterprises, Viewtiful Joe and Fantastic 101.

This could be the game that Atsushi Inaba teased high year, when helium said the studio apartment was working on its most ambitious project so far, "something that has ne'er been fashioned in front." In the radical Famitsu reveal, Inaba says Atomic number 78 intends to go against the users' expectations, and according to Kamiya it's taking along challenges that the team up's never tackled before.

Where Viewtiful Joe was a Kamen Rider-style game and Wonderful 101 gave you a whole USA of heroes, Project GG wish LET you play as one giant hero who can go pointy-toed-to-toenail with kaiju. Understandably there volition be a lot of punching, merely Kamiya adds that execute isn't the exclusive focus.

At the moment, there are 15 people working on Project GG, but Pt is also opening up a new 100-person studio in Tokyo, as well. Development is just beginning, indeed don't expect to get your hands happening information technology shortly.

Platinum has also decided to issue the game itself this time. Tencent offered to throw the developer some cash, but Platinum turned it down thusly it could keep off its self-sufficiency. Regular with publishers looming over its games, Platinum always seems to be able to make something weird and unsuccessful-there, but I make out like the sound of it having non-slave reign finished a big hero game.

Bear a full announcement from Platinum soon, and we've still got ii more reveals to live on. Platinum is certainly going to equal busy.

Cheers, Ryokutya2089 via Gematsu.

Fraser Brown

Fraser is the UK online editor and has actually met The Internet personally. With over a decade of experience, he's been around the block a few multiplication, serving Eastern Samoa a freelancer, news program editor and fecund commentator. Strategy games have been a 30-year-agelong fixation, from tiny RTSs to sprawling political sims, and helium never turns down the chance to rave about Total War or Crusader Kings. He's also been known to coif up shop in the latest MMO and likes to wind down with an infinitely deep, systemic RPG. These days, when atomic number 2's non redaction, he tin usually be found writing features that are 1,000 lyric too long. He thinks labradoodles are the best dogs only doesn't get to compose about them much.


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